Sunday, February 24, 2019

International Literature Book Blog

Image result for a ticket around the worldA Ticket Around The World
Written By: Natalia Diaz, Melissa Owens 
Illustrated By: Kim Smith
Published By: Owlkids
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 32
Genre: International Literature 
Reading Level: K-2nd

This is a story about a young boy who visits his friends in 13 different countries. Each page takes you to a different country. On these pages you will find information about each country like the population total, weather, traditions, and even food that they eat. This is a great story to teach young children about the world around us! I could use this book to teach a social studies standard. An activity I would do would be to have the children pick one of the countries listed in the book and write or tell about why they would want to visit that country. For more advanced students I would have them maybe research a country not mentioned in the book and have them use the book as a guide for their research. 


  1. I LOVE the activities that you chose for this book, and even more so that you have thought of ways to differentiate with it! Such a wonderful activity to use for the students to learn about different countries! I wonder if you could also tie in a virtual field trip with this book?! :)

  2. Awesome book choice! I want to add this to my classroom library! Yes, Morgan... a virtual field trp would be a wonderful extension to this book!
